06 April 2016

New ETDs/Student Papers - Pt. 1

Asylum Diversity in the European Union: A Case Study of Residence Permit Distribution to Asylum Seekers in Sweden and Finland (Lund Univ., 2016) [text]

Drawing the Limits: Unaccompanied Minors in Swedish Asylum Policy and Procedure, Dissertation (Stockholm Univ., 2016) [text]

How Does the Dutch Integration Exam Fit into a Common EU Asylum and Immigration Policy?: An Analysis on the Current Status of the Dutch Integration Exam within the Framework of the EU, Master's thesis (Amsterdam Univ., 2015) [text]

Refugee Policies in the European Union: Why Do Asylum Recognition Rates Vary across Member States? A Case Study of Bulgaria and Hungary, Bachelor's essay (Univ. of Twente, 2016) [text]

The Roles, Functions, and Motivations of Volunteers in Helping to Ameliorate Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: A Case Study of Voluntary Engagement at Temporary Asylum Accommodation Centres in Germany, Master's thesis (Univ. of Twente, 2016) [text]

"This is survival, not living the life": Daily Life of Asylum Seekers, Opportunities, Participation, Health and Well-being, Master's thesis (Univ. of Iceland, Feb. 2015) [text]

Visual Representations of (Syrian) Refugees in European Newspapers, One year Master's thesis (Malmö Univ., 2016) [text]

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