26 June 2014

Thematic Focus: Gender Issues


"The Battle for Gay Asylum: Why Sexual Minorities Have an Inside Track to a U.S. Green Card," Wall Street Journal, 13 June 2014 [info]
- Note: The full-text is no longer freely available. However, you can still search on the title and then view Google's cache of the article.  See also related blog post on The Asylumist.

From 1975 to 2013: UNHCR's Gender Equality Chronology (UNHCR, July 2013) [text]

An Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie (Huffington Post, June 2014) [text]

Refugee Claims Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: An Annotated Bibliography (SSRN, June 2014) [text]

"Refugee Roulette: Wagering on Morality, Sexuality, and Normalcy in U.S. Asylum Law," Nebraska Law Review, vol. 92, no. 3 (2014) [full-text]

UNHCR Chief Calls for Empowerment of Women in a World in Crisis (UNHCR, June 2014) [text]

Web resources:

LGBTI Refugee Project Portal (ORAM) [access]
- This new site provides access to "projects and approaches that enhance the protection of LGBTI forced migrants in the areas of refugee status determination, policy development and research, practical protection measures, durable solutions, and staff sensitization and development."

Right to Asylum Guide - Gender-based Persecution: Information on Countries of Origin within the Framework of the Right to Asylum (CEAR-Euskadi) [access]
- "[A] practical reference tool that systematises the sources of information on the country of origin, laying special emphasis on the situation of women and the LGTTBI population."

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Sexual and Gender-based Violence (16 June 2014)

Tagged Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

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